新會員首次購物即享全單 88 折優惠!

購物滿 HKD 200.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

3362 Sparkles - Dental Water Additive 16oz 寵物口腔保健液71ml



• Perfect product to clean your dog teeth • Simple to use, just add it to the water of your pet • Tasteless and odorless and it will help keep your dog clean and free of tartar - 清潔狗狗牙齒的完美產品 - 使用簡單,只需加入寵物的水中即可 - 無味、無臭,可讓您的愛犬保持乾淨、無牙石

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