

2489 Go Fresh - Deodorant Spray - 350 ml 除臭劑-350毫升



• Natural bio-enzymatic formula: our specially selected microbes create enzymes that quickly digest odor-causing ammonia turning it into odorless compounds • Eliminates odors and stains: quickly removes odors and stains left behind by urine, stool, vomit, and other organic matter. • Reduces harmful ammonia by 92.6% • Safe for pets, children, and carpets • Freshens with white tea scent • 天然生物酵素配方:我們精選的微生物,創造快速消化產生異味的氨的酶,將其轉化為無味化合物 • 消除異味和污漬:快速去除異味和污漬 尿液、糞便、嘔吐物和其他有機物留下的。 • 有害氨減少 92.6% • 對寵物、兒童和地毯安全 • 帶有白茶香味,清新怡人
