

7711 Pet Salon-Pet Grooming Wipes 100ct Coconut Vanilla Scent 寵物梳毛濕紙巾 100張 椰子香草味



• Multi-purpose use all over body including paws, face, ears,belly, & rear end • Infused with olive oil, flaxseed oil, cornflower extract andcoconut extrcat, helping clean, freshen, soothing and conditionwhile giving the coat a healthy shine • Free of parabens, alcohol, and harsh chemicals, safe for adog or cat, great addition to your pet grooming routine •全身多用途,包括爪子、臉部、耳朵、腹部和後尾 •含有橄欖油、亞麻籽油、矢車菊萃取物和椰子油,有助於清潔、清新、舒緩和調理,同時使被毛保持健康的光澤 •不含苯甲酸酯、酒精和刺激性化學物質,對貓狗安全,是寵物日常美容的好幫手。
